+30 2810 361610


1.     Approved Deliverables Tables


Deliverable Name Action B1 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

List of targeted and selected hotels and their operational characteristics – Deliverable B1.1 10/2016 30/11/2016
Selected hotels for the needs of the F4F project cooperation agreements signed – Deliverable B1.2 12/2016 30/04/2017
Selected hotels source separation system qualitatively & quantitative survey – Deliverable B1.3 11/2017 30/11/2017
Short listed and selected hotels optimum collection routes – Deliverable B1.4 12/2017 31/05/2018
Food wastes collection cost estimation system – Deliverable B1.5 12/2017 31/05/2018


Deliverable Name Action B2 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

All licenses for the development of the pilot unit – Deliverable B2.1 02/2017 31/07/2017
The building for sorting and grinding and the solar drying halls – Deliverable B2.2 05/2017 30/06/2018
The full operational solar drying pilot unit – Deliverable B2.3 VIDEO 07/2017 30/06/2018
The solar drying turners and various other equipment –Deliverable B2.4 06/2017 30/06/2018


Deliverable Name Action B3 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

Data, results and feed produced, during the initiating operational period – Deliverable B3.1 01/2018 31/01/2019
Data, results and feed produced, during the first full scale operational period – Deliverable B3.2 01/2019 31/01/2020
Optimum operational mode – Deliverable B3.3 12/2019 31/12/2020
Data, results and feed produced, during the optimum operational period – Deliverable B3.4 01/2020 31/01/2021
Data, results and biodiesel produced during project – Deliverable B3.5 01/2020 31/01/2021


Deliverable Name Action B4 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

Complete chemical analysis of the produced feed, through the pigs and poultry husbandry perspective – Deliverable B4.1 10/2018 31/10/2019
Indications of shortcomings of the production process, in relation to the product’s use for pigs and poultry husbandry, and suggestion for improvements – Deliverable B4.2 12/2018 31/12/2019
Economic evaluation of the produced feed, regarding pigs and poultry husbandry – Deliverable B4.3 12/2018 31/12/2019
Complete evaluation of the produced feed for pigs and poultry husbandry – Deliverable B4.4 12/2019 31/12/2021


Deliverable Name Action B5 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

Complete chemical analysis of the produced feed, through the pet food industry perspective – Deliverable B5.1 10/2018 31/01/2019
Complete evaluation of the produced feed for pets – Deliverable B5.2 12/2018 28/02/2021
Economic evaluation of the produced feed, regarding pet food utilisation – Deliverable B5.3 12/2018 28/02/2021
Indicators of shortcomings of the production process, in relation to the product’s use for pet food, and suggestion for improvements – Deliverable B5.4 12/2019 28/02/2021


Deliverable Name Action B6 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

Customer survey regarding pet food (industry & owners) – Deliverable B6.1 12/2018 31/12/2019
Customer survey regarding pigs and poultry (farmers & consumers) – Deliverable B6.2 03/2019 30/06/2021
Technical manuals and designs of a full scale unit 08/2019 30/11/2021
Operational manuals of a full scale unit 12/2019 30/11/2021
LCA and environmental evaluation – Deliverable B6.5 08/2019 31/08/2020
Business plan of full scale unit 08/2019 30/11/2021


Deliverable Name Action B7 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

Reports and suggestion regarding the role of F4F in the wastes management strategy and how it should be implemented as part of zero wastes scheme – Deliverable B7.1 08/2019 31/12/2020
Reports and suggestions regarding the incorporation of the F4F process in the resources efficiency road map and relevant required improvements in the legislation – Deliverable B7.2 10/2019 31/01/2021
Documents regarding the process towards funding the F4F unit through wastes’ management municipal taxation 11/2019 30/11/2021
Data and complete evaluations regarding alternative uses of the F4F product – Deliverable B7.4 12/2019 31/10/2021


Deliverable Name Action C1 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

First evaluation of performance indicators – Deliverable C1.1 08/2017 01/01/2019
Assessment of the initial situation – Deliverable C1.2 09/2017 01/01/2019
Impacts of the project if a full scale unit will be developed 12/2018 30/11/2021
Qualitatively and quantitatively verification of the impact of the project actions during realisation 12/2018 30/11/2021
S-LCA completed – Deliverable C1.5 02/2018 30/04/2021
Mid-term evaluation of performance indicators – Deliverable C1.6 01/2019 31/01/2020
Final evaluation of performance indicators 02/2020 30/11/2021


Deliverable Name Action D1 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

Website and social media accounts 12/2016 31/01/2017
Notice boards – Deliverable D1.2 08/2017 30/04/2018
Leaflet and newsletter for the benefits and need of source separation in households, aiming for the general public – Deliverable D1.3 12/2018 31/12/2019
General public leaflet – Deliverable D1.4 12/2018 31/12/2019
Replicability and transferability activities report 12/2019 28/02/2020
Networking report – Deliverable D1.6 12/2019 30/11/2021
Report about dissemination activities towards private entities – Deliverable D1.7 12/2019 30/11/2021
Open day events – Deliverable D1.8 10/2019 30/11/2021
International conference – Deliverable D1.9 10/2019 31/05/2021
Publication of academic papers – Deliverable D1.10 02/2020 30/11/2021
Layman’s report 02/2020 30/11/2021


Deliverable Name Action E1 Foreseen date Actual date

Amend. No2

1st progress report – Deliverable E1.1 08/2017 30/09/2017
Mid-term report – Deliverable E1.2 01/2019 31/01/2019
2nd progress report – Deliverable E1.3 31/07/2020
Final report 05/2020 28/02/2021