+30 2810 361610

Work Modules – Deliverables


A. Project actions

ACTION B.1: Development of the Source Separated Food Waste Collection System

The main objective of Action B1 is to combine the expertise of the F4F partners on food waste management and the existing food waste management practices within the hospitality sector, in order to formulate an effective source separated food waste collection system and accurately estimate its full-scale implementation cost. Ultimately, the proposed collection system will be the platform for the prompt implementation of the project.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

B.1.1. From the kitchen and the table to the F4F unit – evaluating source separation systems, selecting hotels, designing the optimum collection route.

A survey will be conducted to at least 20 hotels in the general area with the aim to evaluate: i) the existing source separation system of organic wastes, ii) their storage conditions, iii) the deployed tools (bags, bins etc.), iv) the quality and quantity of the separated wastes (composition, nutrients’ content,  toxins’ content etc.), and v) the existing municipal wastes collection and management system.

B.1.2. Cost estimation methodology for the food wastes collection system

The need for the development of a proper estimation method for the cost per tonne of food wastes is needed for several activities in the F4F project, including the business plan, the scale-up process and of course the transferability and replicability of the process.


ACTION B.2: Developing the F4F Pilot Unit

This action includes all required activities and works, needed for the development of the F4F pilot unit where the separately collected food wastes will be hand sorted, shredded and then solar dried/ pasteurised in the shortest possible period, towards the production of feed.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

B.2.1. Acquire the needed licenses for building works.

Land Characterization, Environmental License, Building License and operation license.

B.2.2. Construct the required units:

The pilot unit of the F4F project consists of a prefabricated building for the hand sorting and the pre-treatment of the collected food wastes and a solar drying greenhouse for the solar drying of the food wastes.

B.2.3. The turners, the floor heating system and various other equipment.

Requires the development of two different types of turners and a floor heating system.


ACTION B.3: Initiating, Operating and Optimising the F4F System

The main objective of this action is the operation of the F4F system, under real conditions, aiming to determine the operational parameters including performance and operational costs, as well as to identify possible shortcomings, problems, limitations and required technical additions or improvements to the original idea and set up. The operation of the F4F process includes collection and treatment, where evaluation will take place in other actions (B5 and B6). The pilot unit operation will take place in three periods:

Year 1: July to October 2017. Initiating operation

Year 2: April to October 2018. Full-scale operation

Year 3: April to October 2019. Optimum full-scale operation

ACTION B.4: Evaluating the Produced Feed for Pigs and Poultry Husbandry

The main objective of this action is to determine the quality of the produced feed, through a range of analysis and trials, in an effort to estimate the possible deviation of the product from the quality standards required for feeding productive animals as pigs and poultry (chickens), how this gap can be bridged and with which technology addition / alteration and finally the real economic value of the product.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

B.4.1. Analysis of produced feed

B.4.2. Animals’ feeding trials

B.4.3. Additions and alterations in the pilot unit


ACTION B.5: Evaluating the Produced Feed as Pet Food

The key objective of this activity is to evaluate the inclusion of the F4F product as an ingredient in pet food with regard to feed hygiene, feed acceptance, nutrient digestibility, animal welfare and public acceptance, and to determine its optimum inclusion level in terms of nutritional and economic reasons.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

B.5.1. Analysis of the feed

B.5.2. Production of complete diets for dogs and cats with varying amounts of feed

B.5.3. Additions and alterations in the pilot unit


ACTION B.6: Products’ Customer Survey, Technical Scale Up, Economical and Environmental Evaluation and Replicability and Transferability of the F4F Process

Includes all actions that will help the implementation of the F4F process into a full-scale unit, either in the general area of the pilot unit and the direct involvement of the project’s members or in other areas, through strong support of replicability and transferability actions.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

B.6.1. Customer survey

B.6.2. Economical evaluation and business plan

B.6.3. Environmental evaluation

B.6.4. Technical scale up, design and construction manuals

B.6.5. Operational manuals

ACTION B.7: Completing, Incorporating and Evaluating the F4F Process as Part of the EU’s Wastes Strategy and other Union Policies

Conducting a number of versatile activities that will allow the evaluation of the F4F potential as part of the Wastes Strategy of the EU, as well as other Union policies and especially of the Resources Efficiency Roadmap. This evaluation will help identify and tackle potential problems and shortcomings (for example legislation issues) that could create significant issues towards the full-scale realisation of the process, as well as, the replicability and transferability potential.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

B.7.1. Alternative use of the produced feed.

B.7.2. F4F process in relation to the wastes strategy

B.7.3. The F4F in the resources efficiency roadmap and policies

B.7.4. Securing funding for operating an F4F facility


ACTION C.1: Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

The concept for this Action is the assessment of the impact of the project’s realisation in a variety of parameters including the socio-economic impact to the local economy and population, during the projects pilot and possible full-scale implementation.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

C.1.1. Impact of the projects’ actions (excluding socio-economic)

C.1.2. Impact of the full-scale realisation of the process (excluding socio-economic)

C.1.3. Assessment of the project’s socio-economic impact


ACTION D.1: Communication and dissemination actions

The dissemination of the F4F process aiming in increasing the public’s awareness and understanding, helping its replicability and transferability in other areas in Greece, the EU and the globe, and informing the academic community and research organisations on the benefits of the process, especially through networking. A mixed process regarding the dissemination will be followed during this Activity.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

D.1.1. Dissemination activities towards the general public

D.1.2. Dissemination activities toward professionals related with the F4F process

D.1.3. Dissemination activities towards the academia and consultants

D.1.4. Layman’s report and notice boards

D.1.5. Networking

D.1.6. Dissemination activities towards private entities


ACTION E.1.: Project management and monitoring of the project progress

This action includes the overall management of the project and the effective reporting of the project’s findings and progress to the EC. The successful completion of the F4F project requires well-planned coordination efforts for the management and financial control of the various activities. The main tasks of this action are to:

  • Provide the appropriate coordination of the project;
  • Secure smooth information flow to the EC and among the project’s partners;
  • Perform financial control and auditing;
  • Produce progress and reports.

The following sub-actions will be carried out:

E.1.1. Reporting to the EC

E.1.2. Use of external experts for evaluating progress

E.1.3. Auditing

E.1.4. After LIFE+ communication plan


B. Project deliverables