+30 2810 361610

Basic Information

The LIFE-F4F project aims to evaluate, through the construction and operation of a pilot plant, a simple and innovative technology of a low emissions process that allows the safe transformation of source-separated food waste into animal feed. The project is taking place in Crete (Greece), in the tourist areas of Heraklion and Herssonissos in the Prefecture of Heraklion.


The F4F runs from September 2016 till February 2021 and is funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the European Union. The F4F project is acting against food waste from the hospitality sector. Five European partners work towards waste minimisation and reuse of non-recyclable food waste (part of an integrated solid wastes management scheme), as well as the Roadmap to a Resources-Efficient EU.


Project Title

Food for Feed: An Innovative Process for Transforming Hotels’ Food Waste into Animal Feed”


Project’s Code Number

LIFE15 ENV/GR/000257



LIFE-F4F (Food for Feed)


Implementation Period

1/9/2016 – 28/2/2021


Coordinating Beneficiary:

ü  ESDAK (United association for solid waste management in Crete)


Associated Beneficiaries:

ü  HUA (Harokopio University)

ü  AUA (Agricultural University of Athens)

ü  FUB (Freie Universität Berlin)

ü  HMU (Hellenic Mediterranean University)



Total budget: 2.580.619,00 €

EU Contribution: 1.459.227,00 €